Articles on GLOW4equality, our Coaching program & Community

Coverage on GLOW4equality's work in national and regional articles within Sweden. Spreading knowledge about the social entrepreneurship and the work we do is important for us to keep contributing to a gender equal world.
Research Institutes of Sweden, October 10 2023
Article by Research Institutes of Sweden on GLOW4equalitys participation in the EU project Digikraft.
The social business GLOW4equality has received support in discovering and implementing a new digital community platform, to further promote women's rights. This platform not only strengthens the company's efficiency but also offers enhanced services to its customers.
- Expanding my business with a community platform is a way for us to grow and develop. It feels like a natural step to build an even bigger and closer community with all the dedicated people that gather around GLOW, says Sara Carlemår CEO and founder of GLOW4equality. Women who have taken part in our coaching program as well as financiers and people from around the world engaged in various equality issues.
Headline: A digital venue for those engaged in gender equality
Read article (in Swedish)
Region Jämtland Härjedalen November 02, 2023
Article from one of our early stage public finansers, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden. In the start of GLOW4equality as a social business, were granted financial support for business development from Region Jämtland Härjedalen, financing our 50% of our pilot study. A support that needed counter-funding of 50% that we secured through business partnerships and more. Getting this early stage financial support also worked as a validation of our brand laying a foundation to long-term collaborations with other financiers.
Headline: Offers free coaching as tool for equality.