Watch Launch of the Social Impact Report, June 21st 2022
- Report presentation by Lena Henriksson
- Reflections by Expert panel Graziella Piga and Anette Tandberg
- Next steps by founder Sara Carelmår
Impact Result Chain
GLOW4equlity’s Coaching Program is aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goal number 5, Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Our Social Impact reporting aligns with the Theory of change, a method that explains how a given intervention, or set of interventions, are expected to lead to a specific development change, drawing on a causal analysis based on available evidence.
Together with the organization Reach for Change, we built an Impact Results Chain with intended results - short term, mid term and long term outcomes that we want GLOW4equality to contribute to. Where the short term outcomes are the outcomes within our control, results we intended for to happen as a result of our activities and outputs.
Using Impact Reporting as partner
As a GLOW4equality partner you will be part of a movement empowering women to empower others. Impact reporting is core to businesses and organizations that are committed to social sustainability and Agenda 2030. As a partner, depending on the level, you will receive:
- Annual Impact reporting
- The possibility to communicate Impact reporting formally (for example in Sustainability reporting) and informally (for example in social media)
- Our Champion Partners have the opportunity to receive a personal presentation of the Impact reporting